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What I found

January 7th, 2009 at 04:36 am

I decided to pay off two CC since I am earning less (interest) money on my savings account and these balances are driving me crazy; in addition, in the past what I have
learned is that once your CC is paid off you can save a lot more much faster so I said what the heck and took the money out of my house fund
Total paid $506.66
-Macys store card
-Macys Visa Card
As I was balancing my account I notice that one of the CC mysteriously tacked on a dollar my previous balance was 81.73 but on my new statement it states my previous balance was 82.73 and no reason for the extra buck so I will be on the phone with them at lunch tomorrow.
This is part of my challenge so I am adding this to my YTD balance

Also any one looking for the link to Pinecone I posted on a previous post

7 Responses to “What I found”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Hmmmm... the mysterious dollar. Keep up with that one!

  2. whitestripe Says:

    lol. i feel so funny when i point out things like that, but then i remember that its MY DOLLAR! so good on you.

  3. Blue Eyes Says:

    Great job paying off those CC!

  4. scfr Says:

    Congratulations on paying them off, Amber! Do you have a plan to keep yourself from using them again?

  5. Koppur Says:

    I know so many people who would laugh at calling the CC comp for $1....I totally do things like that! Smile

  6. Aleta Says:

    It's true what you say about earning 2% interest on savings while paying more out in interest charges. I would suggest that you only use one credit card and put the other ones in your icetray and freeze them. All of these stores takes Visa or Mastercard and that way you won't be tempted.

    We have 2 cards but one is for business and the other personal which we pay off each month.

  7. frugaltexan75 Says:

    I hope you're able to figure out where that dollar came from! Those CC companies can be so sneaky!

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