Home > No time to waste

No time to waste

March 6th, 2009 at 10:43 pm

Thanks everyone for all your support, this is going to be a trying time for me. Hopefully I will find a job soon.
As you all know I was let go today and as soon as I got home, I applied for about 7 positions. Then I contacted Plan Parenthood about some volunteer work that I put off and the woman I spoke to has a possible paid internship. She sent me the application right away and of course I filled it out and sent it right back. I then tried calling the gym to cancel my membership and course I was on hold so long I had to hang up because the only phone I have is a cell so I will call back later. Then I called my uncle who owes me $550 and informed him I needed my money, hopefully he will come through. Next I called the dentist to see how long I can keep this post in until it's damaged because I can't afford it right now to pay for the crown and he was nice enough to tell me not to worry about it and once I start back working we can make some arrangements. That was really nice. I went ahead and applied for my unemployment, I figured why wait.
My mom's friend who got me the job 5 years ago called me back and said she was going to check with her boss about any possible openings
Right now I just don't feel like doing a thing but I know I can not let a day go by with out submitting 1 application per day
I am just so happy I did not break down today in front of my boss because I think if I had I would have said somethings that I may have regretted, I'm just praying that I get a job by April
My eyes are so red from crying and I have this headache that just won't leave plus I didn't eat a thing today and yet I am not hungry

13 Responses to “No time to waste”

  1. smiley2009 Says:

    Aww Amber I'm going to pray for you I hope things get better for you. Your not alone but I really hope you land another job really soon. (hugs)

  2. Petunia Says:

    Drink a little water and eat a little snack, even though you don't feel like it - you'll feel better & so will your head. Good for you for pulling yourself together and getting so many things in motion today.

  3. MariRDH Says:

    I am so sorry to hear about your job loss. It seems to be happening to everyone these days, so try not to take it personally. Keep your chin up and know that they are fools for letting you get away! I know you will find something wonderful around the next corner since you are such a hard worker.

    You are doing so many smart things already with applying for jobs and putting in right away for unemployment. Keep moving forward, and good things are are the way.

  4. lizajane Says:

    Best of luck! I'm sorry it happened to you! It sounds like you're right on top of things. It's hard to imagine it right now, but a new door will open that will be better for you. Be sure to allow yourself some time for grief, too. Don't bottle all those feelings up. It's devastating no matter what, but it's awful to have a great compliment and then just a short time later get put on the chopping block.

  5. boomeyers Says:

    I am soooo sorry. How horrible for you! The first thing you need to do is know that it is not your fault. Don't beat yourself up over this. They will not be better off for this, they will probably be hurting because they let you go.
    You are being very proactive! I'm sure you'll find something soon!

  6. fern Says:

    Oh, I'm really sorry, Amber.

    Please cheer up. Remember, your COBRA will be 65% subsidized by the federal government. Unemployment will be extended by 13 weeks and you'll get $100 more a month than you would have in the past. And the first $2400 is not taxed. Obama's done a lot to make thing a little easier for those out of work.

    Finally, you have A LOT of company. that's actually a good thing becus the govt is really paying attention and do something about it.

    Have you sat down and had a look at your expenses and compared them to what you'll get in unemployment benefits? Maybe it's not as bad as you think. I think it may help you feel more in control if you do take a close look at your actual spending, and where you can cut back temporarily.

    Please try not to worry becus eventually, you will find another job, so while you do still need to look for work, try also to use this free time productively and to maybe do some thing you haven't otherwise been able to do.

  7. my english castle Says:

    How about a hot bath and an early night?
    And applause for you for starting the ball rolling on a bunch of things

  8. Amber Says:

    Thanks Fern, for the info I had no idea and you're right I'll go through my expenses and make the comparisons

  9. frugaltexan75 Says:


    I feel your pain. I hardly stopped crying for two days, and had the worst headache I ever remember having. It's only been this week really that I haven't had those moment of *oh crap* crying jags -- it's been three weeks for me.

    When you're ready, maybe on Monday or Tuesday, I would suggest checking in with your local Work Force Center. (I think you have to at least sign up on the website if you file for unemployment anyway.) Then maybe check into the WIA program (Workforce Investment Act) - explain to them about how you are already in school trying to better yourself, and now that you don't have a job, you may need some help. That's what the WIA is for.


  10. Amber Says:

    thank you so much, I will look into it (WIA) first thing Monday morning

  11. cptacek Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your bad luck. In my case, I heard through the grapevine on Friday but didn't get the official word until Monday. So, I had a 2 1/2 hour drive on Monday morning to get my head straight on how I was going to be nonchalant and cool about it. It worked until my supervisor walked me out the door and said "let me know if I can do anything to help you." Then I lost it, and had to drive 2 1/2 hours back! My layoff was under the WARN regulations, though, so I get 2 months of pay, plus severance, and I thank the Lord that is the case.

  12. Amber Says:

    That what I hate why make some one come in for a few hours? Even though you probably won't see half these people again it's just the point. I'm sorry to hear about your job

  13. cptacek Says:

    Oh, I was only in there for 10 minutes while we signed paperwork. The 5 hours was just the round trip commute Smile

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