Home > 6 applications already

6 applications already

March 8th, 2009 at 03:31 pm

As of 10am this morning I applied for 6 positions, there are a couple I need to try and apply for but am having a problem so I will try later. There is also one that I will have to call first thing tomorrow,hmmm in this day in age you would think that they would want you to fax or e-mail over a resume. I have to laugh because I can't believe how many jobs I have applied for since Friday afternoon. I am so amaze, but like I said in an earlier post I have no time to waste. I also notice that there is a job open at a location a friend of mine works at so I will call her later to let her know I applied, I haven't told her yet I was let go. I am really feeling good right now but I'll be feeling great once I get a job

7 Responses to “6 applications already”

  1. scfr Says:

    Good luck Amber!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

  3. Blue Eyes Says:

    Good luck!! I'm happy to hear you are feeling better.

  4. my english castle Says:

    Good Job, Amber!

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You have lots of good vibes aimed your way. Keep us posted on the progress. Good luck Amber!

  6. Aleta Says:

    Today begins DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Try to enjoy your day knowing that tomorrow (Mon) will be here soon enough. The right job will come around, just keep doing what you are doing. Give yourselves little breaks because it can become overwhelming.

  7. whitestripe Says:

    good work on the job applications. it seems like there are jobs around for you so i think you will be fine. you are determined as well so in the end this might be the change you need!

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