Home > Faith


March 14th, 2009 at 09:53 pm

I know that it is my faith that keeps me going, yes I was/am down about not having a job but things could be much worst. Today God Blessed me with a $50 gift from my dad, last week it was $20 from my aunt and again today my uncle paid me the money he owed me. The entire $525, so I put this money in my EF in order to pay my car insurance for the next three months. Yes I am worried but at least I can pay my car note, car insurance and the small bills around the house
Thank goodness, God is on my side when all else fails

7 Responses to “Faith”

  1. smiley2009 Says:

    Yes you are so right amber

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    You are right. He makes sure even the lilies of the field are cared for, how much more must he care for us.

  3. Nika Says:

    I would instead give the credit to your dad, and to your aunt - that whole "free will" thing...

    "You are right. He makes sure even the lilies of the field are cared for, how much more must he care for us."

    Go see people who are dying from cancer in the final stage of it. You may change your mind.

  4. Amber Says:

    No Nika I would never change my mind I guess it depends on one's belief. I believe that God has brought me through a number of trying times and it is He why all things are possible. In regards to those with cancer, Aids and other deadly diseases my heart and prayers goes out to them and I always pray that he/she never lose faith

  5. Aleta Says:

    Amber, all of the trials that we go through keeps us humble.

    I've always heard that when you are in a bad situation, to think back to a similiar time and how things remedied themselves. You will get through this and you will be working soon. You have done everything that you know to do. You haven't been sitting in your house feeling sorry for yourself. You have been very proactive. I think you'll come out of this fine and where you should be. My prayers are with you.

  6. frugaltexan75 Says:


    I'm sorry if what I said offended you. I don't want to get into a debate about God or religion. I was paraphrasing a verse from the Bible - one in particular that helps me out. If I didn't know that Amber has a similar belief in God, I would not have said anything in that regards.

  7. Amber Says:

    Frugaltexan, I was never offended by what you posted or anyone else. Faith is a touchy topic however you guys are amazing no need to apologize I knew what your intentions were and thank you

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