November 19th, 2011 at 03:20 am
I almost did not blog today but thought no I will continue with my goal. I broke down and bought dinner last night, about $6 but I haven't added it to the challenge as of yet, I was over charged. Later I will add the matched amount to my challenge. But as of today I did not eat out so $6 was added the challenge.
Tomorrow I will be volunteering handing out turkeys, this should be fun.
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November 17th, 2011 at 09:57 pm
Today for the challenge I saved $2 for breakfast, $1 for snacks and $2 for lunch, bringing my total saving for the day to $5.
The night is still young, not sure what I am doing for dinner but I am positive it won't be eating out, hopefully bringing my total to $7
But for now I will leave it as it is, so $5 for sure will be added to the challenge
Once again, I am glad to be back blogging.
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November 17th, 2011 at 02:37 am
Okay this is day two and I have kept up with my challenge. Over the last few years (prior to having a BF) I blogged and saved all the time and I'm ready to get back at it, I lost myself. Yes I have a great boyfriend but we waste a lot of money.
I'm proud of my self, I did not buy dinner and chose to eat a P&B sandwich so $2 was added to the $20 Challenge/EF and I saved $1.02 by using my Target card, not to mention I paid the bill of $19.93 as soon as I got home
So if I calculate the totals from earlier along with this evenings savings, I socked away $7.02 for my challenge. Yay! and I must mention in two days I saved $64.34
I am so happy so happy to be back.
Further more, I will be cashing in my MyPoints, points for gift cards for Christmas; two for $25 and once I receive those cards a total of $50 will be added to the challenge.
Yay I am glad to be back!
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November 16th, 2011 at 10:53 pm
I was so tempted to buy a snack today but opted out since I am back to blogging or what I call accountability.
Today I had breakfast at home so $2 was added to the $20 challenge and I packed my lunch so another $2 was added, bringing my total to $4. Yay! More than likely I will be adding another $2 for having dinner at home
Whew it feels good to be back!
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Emergency Fund
November 15th, 2011 at 10:42 pm
Now that I have a BF I do not blog as much as I use to or should I say at all. I really want to stay on track, when ever I blog I feel accountable, plus I miss it.
Today was pay day and bills were paid, I managed to save $2 because I over budgeted a payment on the CC; in addition, I upgraded my internet service which saves me about $10.66 a month. So with that I added $12.66 to my challenge/ EF fund. Next I had breakfast, lunch and dinner at home so another $6 was added to the challenge EF and lastly, I transferred $39.66 to my challenge/EF to make things even.
Grand total to Challenge/EF a whopping $57.32
Whoo hoo I am so happy. The goal is to up my EF to $1000 and then start knocking down CC #1.
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