Home > MyPoints


December 3rd, 2011 at 10:18 pm

Today I received my MyPoints gifts card for J.C.Penney's and Old Navy, both for $25 each. I added the $50 I would have spent to my $20 Challenge/EF. I'll be giving these away as Christmas gifts Smile. Now I am waiting on the $37.50 check from BoA, not sure if I'll simply add this to the challenge or use it towards Christmas gifts. My goal which was set in mid-November was to save a $1000 by December 31st and at the rate I'm going it looks like I will meet my goal mid-December Smile

5 Responses to “MyPoints”

  1. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    That's awesome, congrats!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Nice haul from MyPoints!! Good luck with your goal too.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good job!

  4. Yvonne Says:

    I noticed that you are a member of mypoints, Im a member of mypoints too. I usually order the walgreens gift cards with the points that I earn.
    Have you tried swagbucks? You can earn digital dollars and redeem them to purchase any of several gift cards, and/or products. I earn most of my swagbucks by searching the web and watching videos on SBTV (swag bucks tv), but there are several ways to earn those digital dollars. You can be my referral if you want. Here is the referral link:

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