Wow hope every one had a great holiday, I've been a little busy so I haven't had time to post. But here is the update:
First I gave my mom her Christmas gift which was a 8 x 10 picture of her grandkids as well as great grands and their signature. When I handed her, her gift, she responded " is that it for my Christmas?" I thought what an ungrateful so and so. I know I shouldn't have those thoughts but my mom is always looking for money. I can't tell you the last time I got a Christmas or birthday card from her let alone a gift. Even on my birthday, we go out to the buffet she likes and I pay. I think the last time I got a gift from her for Christmas I was 13
Moving on, next my BF gave me a MK watch (approximately $200) a snuggle (@ $20) and Chanel Chance (@ $140). Nice gifts right? But here is the kicker, I said to him lets set a limit on this year's gifts his response he doesn't set limits on his woman. That's fine and dandy because I did, and didn't spend more than $120 on all 4 gifts. Now comes yesterday he says to me he needs some money ( I'm thinking he is joking). So I end up first spending. $30 to put gas in his car. Next we go to his grandmothers and he ask me to take him to the liqueur store, I end up spending 30 more dollars. My thought is I'm going to pay you back for the gifts you bought? If so take them back to the store. This is crazy. Now today he comes here huffing and puffing because his kids asked for money to get their hair done. My thought, you just gave the oldest one $250 for Christmas why is she asking for money. Long story short, I'm not getting any nails done
His problem is, he wants people to believe he has all the money, well I don't and I refuse to have him nickel and dime me out of the few dollars I have saved
Lastly to end on a good note, my dad gave me $150 today so I can add this money back to the funds I transferred from my challenge
December 27th, 2011 at 07:08 pm
December 27th, 2011 at 07:15 pm 1325013301
December 27th, 2011 at 09:01 pm 1325019665
December 28th, 2011 at 02:45 am 1325040358
I don't mean to be rude in any way....just stating what I see. I really hope it works out for you!
As far as your mom goes....probably not much you can do. Sorry to hear she is that way.
December 28th, 2011 at 03:02 am 1325041378
Sorry, your BF sounds like a douche and a tool. You'd be better off without him. Why do women put up with this crap? I'd rather be single and happy than attached and miserable. I just don't get it.
December 30th, 2011 at 02:09 am 1325210984