Home > New Year

New Year

December 31st, 2011 at 05:12 am

As the new year approach us, I haven't really thought about what I'd like to accomplish for the new year, but here it goes.

-Pay off auto loan (Balance $1700)
-Pay off 3 CCs (Balance $3500)
-Move (I really want to be in my own place by the end of the year)
- Save an additional $1000 (EF)

I think if I keep my goals at a minimum, it will be less stressful and much easier for me to accomplish. Yes, I have more CC debt than listed but getting rid of the first three earlier in the year will make it much easier to pay off the others.

Moving forward, the Heat won tonight so $1 was added to my challenge/EF. In addition, I had lunch, breakfast and dinner at home so $6 was paid towards my challenge/cc debt.

Lastly, I purchased some really nice Gucci frames today. I always wanted really nice glasses. Anyway, I had about $306 in my Eflex account and my new glasses cost $305. I actually make no contributions to my Eflex, all funds were supplied by my employer so my glasses cost me zero dollars Smile

3 Responses to “New Year”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Sounds like some nice glasses. Sweet! Smile

  2. mamasita Says:

    Enjoy the glasses!

  3. Amber Says:

    Thanks, I can't wait to get them

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