Home > $20 Challenge

$20 Challenge

November 27th, 2012 at 03:24 am

Made it to the gym, so I'm adding $2 to the Challenge.

Also bought dinner, $18 so I added another $18 to the challenge.
Grand total $20 plus $4 from earlier was $24 added to my challenge, all of which was paid on CC2.

Bad news BF just said to me he will need for me to pay rent this month coming, I am not a happy camper about this.
He really needs to get his crap together. I know I've complained and some will say leave or shut up but like anything else it's hard but I'm really considering moving into my own place vs. renewing the lease in February.

2 Responses to “$20 Challenge”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I kind of think that would be a wise idea. He keeps doing this sort of thing and he will as long as he thinks you'll bail him out so you don't risk losing your apartment.

  2. Amber Says:

    Thanks LuckyRobin, I really needed to hear that. It solidified what I was thinking

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