Well I have decided that after graduation, I'll be moving. The BF has way too many other obligations that I simply can not handle.
First of the month rolls around and he is short again. In the year that we have been living together he has only pulled his fair share twice. Don't get me wrong, he is super sweet but being financially responsible is not his forte.
For example, we decided early on for my birthday we were heading to Arkansas, I asked him what did he want to pay for? Either the hotel or car, he chose the car. The rental totaled $287 and of course I was stuck paying for the car and the hotel. Yes I wanted to go away and would have planned something else if he couldn't afford it, and I asked several times.
The cable bill is due and of course he does not have his half, but I paid mine and that's it. I can do with tv, the cable is in his name.
I've said to him time and time again that he needed to set a budget, keep track of his spending for one month that way he could see where his money is going. His money is going to the kids because he can't say no.
I know it's hard, I recognize that. I too am working on some financial mishaps but at least I'm trying and making progress mind you.
Oh well it's too bad. On a different note I have been keeping up with the 52 week challenge I'm actually ahead of the game.
I've also been paying down CC 4, I got it down from 1500 to 1385 by simply paying $2 here and there for the month of January.
I'm still waiting to hear from my employer regarding the $800 tuition reimbursement that I submitted in December. It's either yes or no, why its taking so long? It's a long story I'll have to share later, but lets just say a little over a year ago I had to hire an attorney and I personally do not think the CEO has moved on. That sucks
Right now I have an extra $300 just sitting in my ING account and I'm debating on if I should use the money to pay down cc4. A part of me says yes another says wait and sock away a little more but in the meantime I'm earning little interest while paying a lot more on the CC
After graduation
February 11th, 2013 at 12:03 pm
February 11th, 2013 at 02:31 pm 1360593099
February 11th, 2013 at 04:34 pm 1360600471
February 11th, 2013 at 08:57 pm 1360616222
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