Home > Hit $1600

Hit $1600

May 9th, 2015 at 05:39 pm

Dad gave me $50 towards his truck insurance. I'm actually responsible for paying it. See he doesn't drive anymore, but he lives alone, so I pay it to keep a vehicle in the yard. My brother who is suppose to be there may come home once every other week.

The insurance is $70 a month, not bad. So I simply added $25 to my challenge fund and $25 to CC3. Basically what dad gave me I used as extra income. So with the extra income I was able to knock CC3 down to about $440 and bump my house fund ( same as my challenge) to $1600. The goal was to hit $3,00 by the end of the year but I've bump that to $5,000 since I'm doing so good. Hopeful I can have CC3 paid off by July

3 Responses to “Hit $1600”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Like the idea of you bumping it to 5K. Hope you can get the CC paid off by July.

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Good luck, keep up the good workSmile

  3. Amber Says:

    Thanks everyone, I'm super excited about my progress

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