Home > $20 and 52 Week Challenge

$20 and 52 Week Challenge

March 2nd, 2016 at 02:18 am

As I begin pricing homes, I realize that things are way too expensive, I don't want to lose hope, so I'm saying a prayer that this will be the year that I can make things happen.

After March, I'm going to start looking for a part-time job or one that pays me more money.

Well, I got paid and added my $50 to the house fund, coupled that with the $100 dad gave me as well as the extra $17 to round things up, and now my new total is $2,600. I'm hoping I can hit that $3,000 mark by end of March.

3 Responses to “$20 and 52 Week Challenge ”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    What are the property prices? And what can you expect to be able to borrow and pay on mortgage payments?

  2. Amber Says:

    Hello VS,

    Homes are selling for the low $200,000s, I can afford about $950-$1,000 a month, and with my credit I think I can borrow up to $300,000; however, I really don't want to go over $150,000

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I know how you feel Amber. We're looking at houses in the $130k or less range, and there's just not much out there that works.

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