Home > Fort Lauderdale, FL

Fort Lauderdale, FL

January 7th, 2017 at 03:17 am

Hi all!

I received a ton of calls today. I actually work in Fort Lauderdale not too far from the airport. We could hear the sirens and noticed the planes ✈️ circling around because they were unable to land.
Then there was an individual who jumped off a bridge on a major highway, what a day.

In the end, I'm safe. Thank God my little 5 year old cousin flew out yesterday vs today. He's traveling by himself with of course an attendant. Scary just scary

5 Responses to “Fort Lauderdale, FL”

  1. Laura S. Says:

    Sure was. I have family in the area and am thankful none of them had flights yesterday. Glad your cousin was safe.

  2. fern Says:

    These shootings are becoming commonplace. It's got to stop. Glad you're safe.

  3. Bluebird Says:

    We were there in a different terminal, thankfully. But chaos broke out in ours (the alleged second shooter) but it was a false alarm. I've never been so scared in my life. We escaped through the back door of a restaurant we were in and hid in a baggage container on the tarmac for awhile. It was really tough, but we are all safe and sound. Not home yet, hopefully tomorrow.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Yikes, Bluebird, that's horrible. I'm glad you are okay.

    Amber--It's good your cousin was not there.

  5. Amber Says:

    Laura, I'm glad your family is safe. Bluebird, I'm so sorry that you all had to experience that but I am truly thankful that you guys were unharmed. I'm really sick of hearing about these things, it's heartbreaking

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