Well it's the end of the month and I'm done with all my spending.
Tomorrow is pay day, and I have completed my zero balance budget for this pay date. First time ever doing such a thing. I'm also going to try the cash envelope system when it comes to spending. This too is a first timer. I'm actually excited about it.
So for September here we go!
Wages $3112.56
Total expenses $2669.89
Difference $442.67 (actually about $80 left, CC payment not included).
As you can see, hurricane supplies killed my spending. Ugh! At least most of the items (over 90%) I can use for dinner and snacks. The other items such as sterno, first aid kit etc can be set aside for next year.
I've placed this expense, on my calendar to start stocking up in January. Particularly when there are BOGO. Crazy!
Bank charges are the interest that I'm paying in CCs each month. And gift are lunch and pedis with the mentee as well has treating BF dinner.
One thing I noticed is that not all CC payments are included. I have to figure out when I run the MS Money report that all CCs are included.
Let's see how the next two weeks go.
September 2017 - Spending by Categories
September 29th, 2017 at 03:06 am
September 29th, 2017 at 05:21 am 1506658906
September 29th, 2017 at 10:04 am 1506675854
However, for this last quarter I am very committed. My goal is to begin setting funds aside for Christmas, continue with the zero balance budgeting and paying down CCs. Oh yes and continue to blog, this blog keeps me accountable. I see you all as my accountability partners, you tell me good job when I do well and not when I'm doing well.
September 29th, 2017 at 03:35 pm 1506695740
September 29th, 2017 at 04:54 pm 1506700481
October 2nd, 2017 at 12:09 am 1506899345