Home > Target Run: Meal Plan

Target Run: Meal Plan

October 1st, 2017 at 09:13 pm

My meal planning is contingent upon what deals I find at Target on Sundays.

Today, I picked up two packs of thin chicken breast for $2.99 and two packs of three chicken kabobs for $3.99. Not bad, I'm just disappointed there weren't any packages ground beefs on sale.
Target also had grapes on sale for $.99 a pound, bought two pounds.
FiancΓ© picked up a pack of the Kuerig Folgers coffee for $10. Smh I told him I wanted my $10 back, this is ridiculous when he can get it for far less elsewhere.

This week's meal are as follows:
* Sunday Kabobs with rice
* Monday left overs
* Tuesday spaghetti and meat sauce
* Wednesday lemon pepper chicken drinks with a salad
* Thursday left overs
* Friday - Outback steak house. We have a gift card
* Saturday - homemade pizza

1 Responses to “Target Run: Meal Plan ”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Good planning! Our leftover night is usually Wednesday since we grocery shop on Thursday.

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