Home > Found $60 Now What?

Found $60 Now What?

November 21st, 2017 at 03:58 pm

So late August I started FPU and I'm glad I did. I won't say it's easy but hey.

In addition to this I started the 3:10 challenge recently. For three months I will give God what belongs to him (10%) and see if He doesn't bless me ( Malachi 3:10). Well I'll say this every dollar I have received, I have taken 10% right off the top and here are those blessings:
* Found $5 in my purse πŸ‘›
* Found a $22 gift card

Today I found $60 in a binder that I was cleaning out to create the fiancΓ©'s budget planner. Funny thing is, I had this binder since 2014. You can rest assure I took the $6 off the top. I bought tickets to a football game out of my recreation fund and am considering putting the $16 back or just paying the full $54 on the CC.

I also thought about this
* 10% to tithes ($6)
* 10% to EF ($5.40)
* 10% to sinking fund ($4.86)
* Remaining to debt ($43.74)

I know Dave says $1,000 and then tackle the debt but for me I'd like to keep contributing to the EF even if it's a small amount. My car is very old and I'd like to be able to cash flow the next one if Murphy comes. In addition to the sinking fund, I have a few items coming next April like the car insurance. Oops I forgot my renewal for my tag and license is in January, I'm going to need the cash for that too. So I figured a little here and there should do it.

5 Responses to “Found $60 Now What?”

  1. Banker Gurl Says:

    I find better success with putting all "extra" funds to the same goal rather then spreading it out. It seems to help a lot with meeting goals. Congrats on the "found" funds!

  2. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    I love found money Smile It's all about focus, so I would put all extra funds on the baby step you are on. Keep at it!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    That's fun to find money!!

    I would put extra funds to the goal you are on as well. You should have a sinking fund for car tags, but don't over do them, just start with the ones that are irregular like the car tags and insurance. And don't you have your Dad's truck if something were to happen to your current vehicle?

  4. crazyliblady Says:

    I don't think there is anything wrong with your plan for the money. It makes steps for all of your goals - tithing, debt payments, sinking funds, emergency fund.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    That's a blessing to find that money!

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