Budgeted $65 for an oil change, had a coupon for 3k miles for $19, total with disposable fee is $24.03. I figured even if I got an oil change in another 3k miles it's still cheaper than what I would have paid for the 5k mike oil change.
$41 is left over and I know I should be adding all to CC3 but I'm dividing it up three ways, 10% to the EF, the next 10% to the sinking fund and the rest on CC3
Here is the break down
$4.10 EF
$3.69 sinking fund
$33.21 CC3
New balance on CC3 is $960.05. 😊
I know I know but I keep hearing my dad say, "Amber, what ever money you get, put a little up, even if it's ten dollars. Once you see it get to a certain point you're not even going to want to touch it." He did something right, retired early, rental property etc.
Update to this post, ugh.
Just was told that there are a number of things wrong with my car 🚗 . I need to replace the timing belt, gasket, mounts, and some miscellaneous stuff. Total estimate is $1,020.73, over my EF 😡. This I'm sure is accurate I haven't replaced any of the things mentioned before.
I had to take $25 out of another envelope because the place where I got the oil change did not have change. I guess everyone uses credit cards 💳 . Well I went to Walmart to get change for a $100 and was told by the cashier that she could not open her till. I purchased a pack of gum, then returned it so I could get the change and boy was she mad. Oh well no need to spend money on an item I don't need.
I'm putting off the car repair until January. Only reason is that I'm due a two percent raise that will be retro'd back to July, the end of this month, and I should see a couple of hundred dollars. Murphy sucks but hey. Just glad that I will be able to cash flow the repairs vs using a credit card. I've got to look for coupons on the repairs and maybe get an estimate elsewhere. As I'm typing this Jack the mechanic at the shop hands me his card and says he does side jobs if I'm interested. That made me feel a little better but I don't know.
Oh and the $30 spent on the game that the SO was to give me his $15, well he's not going because he's working today and I never got my $15. Lesson learned, get your money up front.
Oil Change Savings
December 2nd, 2017 at 01:34 pm
December 2nd, 2017 at 02:05 pm 1512223522
December 2nd, 2017 at 02:21 pm 1512224467
December 2nd, 2017 at 02:42 pm 1512225754
December 2nd, 2017 at 04:29 pm 1512232153
I suggest a quick review of your vehicle's manual to see what mileage is recommended for maintenance like timing belt and whatever else is on the list.
December 3rd, 2017 at 08:52 pm 1512334374