Home > Busted Budget

Busted Budget

December 15th, 2017 at 03:32 am

Not sure what happened this budget period but I only had $11 total left in my cash envelopes. I know I paid extra on CC3 but I thought I accounted for it. I'm not going to worry about it but I will make sure this next period I'm up to date with things.

I did find $5 in my purse, so totally I have $16.

I completed, well revised, the zero based budget for the next period, I have $90 to play with. I budgeted extra on CC3 since CC2 is paid off, plus the BiNGO number ($34), total it's about $60 extra. Another good thing this period, is that I didn't have to use any of the sinking fund to pay for my renewal of my license or registration but I do have the sorority renewal coming due and that ain't cheap so I'm thinking about using the money for that. I know I know sorority, that's a long story I'll share another time.

I used $100 of the sinking/52 week fund to renew my HR certification. So glad I took care of this now vs January, when it's due. I don't know what made me look but I needed to know the cost, I was thinking close to $200. Well I realized that if I'm a member with SHRM, $50 is knocked bringing the total to $100. Well my SHRM membership ends in January and I'm not paying$200 to renew it next year. The ROI isn't worth it. I will however continue the magazine subscription that comes with membership and that's $70. Well worth it.

Had a great phone interview today. I'm getting call backs so I'm happy with that, hopefully the right one will come along.

We went out for lunch $12.59, including tip, plus I bought breakfast this morning $4.51, I ended paying for this because $18 went towards CC3, new total 863.00.

I'm too tired to up my sidebar so I'll take care of it tomorrow

2 Responses to “Busted Budget”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Sounds like you were smart in renewing your verification while you could still get it at a lower price.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Amber, are you doing okay? You haven't posted in a few days and you've been so faithful about it lately it makes me worry something has gone wrong, either financially, or otherwise. If you fell off the wagon, come talk to us. If you just went to bed with the flu or something, get better, and then come and talk to us.

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