Woke up this morning setting goals and crunching numbers.
After listening to the "Millionaire Next Door" I realized that I'm broke. I knew I was broke but not BROKE! If that makes sense.
Here it is my goals, it's going to be tough but I can do it!
Life Time Goal is to retire at 57.
My 2018 Goal (yearly) is to pay off four ( 4 ) CCs 💳 by the end of the year. Basically one each quarter. The total amount due on the four (4) lowest CCs 💳 is about $6867. To pay four off over the course of the year, I need to throw $286 each pay date to the CC. Back to crunching my zero based budget for the next two pay periods. I got to find the money somewhere. What's good about this is CC3 should be gone by end of January freeing up some money. And then a little tax return to throw at CC4 to free up some funds as well.
My first monthly goal,January 2018
is to not eat out, for anything, that includes, breakfast, lunch, dinner and the vending machine at work. No dining out, period.
My daily goal is to check off an item on my chore list daily.
Next I realized that my sinking fund is missing some items 🤦🏾♀️🙄. I decided not to add those items because I realized by doing so I won't pay off any debt. I just need to learn to budget those items in.
Sinking fund
$1200 car insurance
$100 Birthdays
$600 Christmas (includes gifts and holiday party)
$500 car repairs (e.g oil changes)
$425 Sorority Chapter Dues
Yearly Sinking Fund Total $2,825
To be Deposited each pay period, $117.70
In other news, SO.
For Christmas be bought me these $200 ear buds, $100 perfume I like and maybe about another $100 on PJs from Victoria Secret. He gave me the gifts in front of his mom. I really hate when he does that because it means I have to open them. Well I feel obligated to.
Long story short I did not want to open the ear buds, his daughter ended up opening everything and putting it together. I knew if it was returned there'll be a restocking fee. When we got home last night I asked him what he paid. He gave me the receipt, $213. I told him to take them back. I said to him, there's a past due cable bill again, rent is coming due and just the other day he said he didn't have any money. Well he tells me he's not taking them back, that he was alright and wanted to do something nice. I'm like he just don't get it.
Today he took ten people, well nine (I didn't go)to breakfast because his dad use to do it when he was alive and now he feels obligated to continue the tradition. This cost about $180 plus tip, so call it $200. It's ridiculous; but I can't tell him how to spend his money, I'm just not going to participate in rubbish. I have an interview today and used that as an excuse.
Prior to leaving, he tells me he had a dream that the mother's car was repossessed. Well we know she's just as bad at paying bills as he is. I asked him if he paid his mom's property taxes, he said yes then goes on to tell me how difficult it is to run two households. I don't say a word at this point, he refuses to sit dow create a budget and take over the business. I'm not sure what he's going to do, this will be the first year he pays taxes. He has yet to meet back with the accountant to go over things. It's going to be an eye opener for him. As for me, I just start back looking at my goals and crunching numbers, not much else I can do.
Hopefully with a new job paying more I can make some traction.
Crunching Numbers and Setting Goals
December 26th, 2017 at 02:05 pm
December 26th, 2017 at 02:19 pm 1514297965
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December 26th, 2017 at 03:42 pm 1514302951
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December 29th, 2017 at 03:27 pm 1514561240