I did it, I used the buffer in the checking account and paid $112.67 on CC3 to knock the balance down below the $400 mark, new balance $399.00.
I'll admit I'm nervous about not having the buffer but, I want this card π³ gone! Over $6,000 π΅ in furniture purchased with no help, as promised, to pay for any of it. And now, today, it's just under $400. OMG! I thought I'd never pay this bill off, now it looks as though late January I can say goodbye and good riddance.
Next on the list, is to head over to the grave yard and remove my SO account from mine, I'll even eat the cost if there's one to get his name off. For about eight (8) months when we first purchased I paid, I finally had a breakdown and he started to pay but he's always late. I told him I was not going into the new year with this mess, his mess. I'll be lying π€₯ if I didn't say a part of me feel bad π, but it's the right thing to do, other wards, I'll begin to resent him. It's for this best, especially for the move.
Last night we were chatting and I'm not even sure about what and how the subject of money π° came up but it did. I said something to him along the lines of, " do you realize that if something was to happen to you, that I couldn't take care of you or me?" He then said, " I could do it." I said, "How? You have no money saved and you pay nothing on time." He then said, "wow talk about putting me down." I felt bad but thought π , why? It's the truth. If he got hurt and couldn't work, there's no way I could take care of both of us. Hell when I wasn't working, I depleted my savings because he couldn't pay the household π‘ bills by himself let alone my other bills.
It's a tough journey but I have to stay focus.
Instead of saying I want, I'm now saying I will retire at 57. Plus you all do a good job at not sugar coating things, and keeping me accountable.
Good riddance CC3 and plot!
CC3 under $400
December 30th, 2017 at 01:23 pm
December 30th, 2017 at 01:47 pm 1514641645
December 30th, 2017 at 03:10 pm 1514646624
December 30th, 2017 at 03:21 pm 1514647313
December 30th, 2017 at 03:22 pm 1514647330
December 30th, 2017 at 05:33 pm 1514655189
None of the CC is in his name it's just things purchased that I wanted, he wanted and promised to pay but never did. I asked him what time he wanted to meet at the graveyard, he mumbled something but I set the alarm to go off at 2pm.
December 30th, 2017 at 05:44 pm 1514655846
Plan B is if I'm unable to transfer to him, I'll keep it and my sister will take over the SO's payments. That in turn will be hers. But hopefully I can just give it up
December 31st, 2017 at 09:37 pm 1514756271
Sometimes you have to say things that aren't popular with someone because they are based on facts or data. From what I've read that you've written, SO is very manipulative and he has known what buttons to push to get you to see things his way in the past; I think now you are thinking rationally, he isn't sure what to do and he's pulling out all the emotional stops. Hang in there!