Home > Upped EF

Upped EF

January 13th, 2018 at 07:48 pm

I was able to cash the check, thank goodness, this was a nightmare (see Sprint post) and glad it's over.

After paying my tithes from the check received, I can add about
$190 to the EF bringing the total to about $994 just $6 away from my mini EF.

I was so stressed out last week about taking the money out of the EF; however, I'm a true believer that it was all God. I made it a point to pay my tithes with every extra income I had received and though I'm upset for a few minutes when things occur, a calmness then comes over me. The only thing I'm anxious about is getting out of debt and saving money.

Today we're having a chapter meeting and was asked to provide non-perishable items. Normally I'd go out and buy items, I simply took what was in my cabinet that I have not used and don't plan on it any time soon, and bagged it all up. Loving this being intentional with your money concept.

3 Responses to “Upped EF ”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    You might want to edit your post - you included a phone number for someone.

    Glad you were able to cash the check.

  2. Amber Says:

    Oops thanks

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Good plan on taking non perishables from what you had

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