Home > Decisions


March 18th, 2018 at 07:30 pm

I had budgeted $110 for the optometrist. Well for some reason, things just didn't sit right. I had scheduled my appointment but something kept nudging at me to call them. So I did and found out that my renewal is in July.

I ordered my contacts, that came to $34.99 and canceled my appointment. I'm going to pay half of what's saved to the CC and put the difference in the EF. But a part of me is saying add the entire $75 to CC4. If I did this it will bring the balance to about $658.


4 Responses to “Decisions ”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Either way, you are getting there. Good thing you listened to your intuition and called! Smile

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Either way, you are getting there. Good thing you listened to your intuition and called! Smile

  3. alliecat79 Says:

    As someone who has recently tasted the need for having cash on hand, I vote for storing it in your EF.

  4. Anna Shetty Says:

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