Home > Target CC Down

Target CC Down

March 19th, 2018 at 02:16 am

I went ahead and paid $37 on CC4 knocking it below the $700 mark 😄. I'm so excited, that I'm trying to think of ways to actually have it paid off before May 1st.

My quarterly goal was to pay off one CC per quarter, I've already met my first quarter goal but it sure would be nice to make it two, in one quarter. I'm not going to stress too much about it because I'm already on track.

I also added an additional $38 to the EF bringing the total to $1174. This is awesome because I want to save at least a $100 a month, and I've beaten that goal for March already 😄. In addition; I'd budgeted $65 for the truck registration and it was actually $49 so I'll be adding the difference to the EF.

On a different note, I have cut out TV, the best thing I could have done. I find that by not watching tv 📺 I get to work on time, and there's more time in my day. Next on my list is social media. I have however; been listening to a new podcast, Jen Hemphill, I like her. She discusses finances and interviews an array of people.

Lastly, the SO and I just finished up our bible study 📖, I'm not sure what's happening but he's making some progress. I did end up asking how his week went with no spending and he said pretty good.

Edit to post. Just noticed that the funds for an item sold on Poshmark was now redeemable, $7.05, so I added this to my EF. I'm so excited. Things are trucking along. New balance $1,181.05

2 Responses to “Target CC Down”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Go Amber!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    You are doing so well. I am so happy for you.

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