Home > Over It

Over It

March 30th, 2018 at 01:10 am

I've played around with my budget so much for the upcoming period that I drove myself crazy.

I realize that I have become overly obsessed with my budget and paying off debt that I'm actually not eating. Usually when I'm stressed I don't eat, I didn't even realized that I'm stressed. I got on the scale and I'm down 10lbs. I'm glad I lost the weight but not how I did it. πŸ™„πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

I finally wrapped up my budget, though I can't, well I opted not to, pay extra on these stupid student loans, I decided to sock it to CC4. The good news is, one I replenished what I spent on AAA service, and I will literally cut CC4 πŸ’³in half. Once I get a job closer to home, I can cut the AAA service to the lower plan.

Different news, SO came home complaining about his mother. She was able to pay him his pay check πŸ’° but didn't give him the money for all the things he bought to do the job.

Long story short, she waste money, doesn't manangement the books appropriately and he refuse to say anything to her because he might hurt her feelings. Me, I'm just over it. So I let him rant, while I thought πŸ’­ about all the receipts he has and that I need to scan them to Receipt Hog 🐷 before the cut off date.

Finally when he's done, I just say, "what's the solution?" He says, " I don't know." I say, "well you've been dealing with this since I don't know how long and you need to come up with a solution." I start scanning the receipts and he says "I guess I'm scared." I say, "fear will always hold you back." I finished my scanning of receipts and walk out. I use to feel bad, but I'm over it and my goal to retire at 57 and to make my dad proud. I can't waste time telling a man to take the business from his mom before he falls flat on his face.

2 Responses to “Over It ”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Even if you told SO what to do to better his (and your) life, chances are he would rather complain than do it. Better you do what's best for you, Amber.

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