Home > Dryer


October 15th, 2019 at 02:09 am

I think we fixed the dryer. SO came over and helped me remove the hose thingy from the dryer. We caught the devil but got it. I was surprised to see there was no blockage, we did however recover a tea light candle.

We turned it on a few times and it started to get hot. We will monitor it.

I was at my mom’s prior to heading home and my uncle was there, I’d mentioned the dryer and guess what he has one. Praise God, I won’t have to buy one. I’m so thankful.

Other news, today was a no spend day. I also walked over 8,000, surpassing my goal.

2 Responses to “Dryer ”

  1. Creditcardfree Says:

    Great news! Dryers are usually an easy fix. We replaced a $30 part on ours to keep it up and running.

  2. Lucky Robin Says:

    That's great that you can get your uncle's old one and not have to worry about yours anymore. We've been lucky to be able to do small repairs to keep our dryer going, but if something big goes, like the motor, even youtube videos won't help.

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