Home > Electric Bill Down!

Electric Bill Down!

October 18th, 2019 at 02:03 pm

I can’t believe it, my electric bill was $90.69, that’s a decrease of $59.10, or 61% decrease from my previous bill.

How did I do it? Unplugged the dryer, lights, washing machine, toaster, and Keurig when not in use. Turned the AC off when I left the house for hours, and line dried most of my clothes.

I’m just so excited about this.

Today was pay day, I paid the mortgage, the electric bill ⚑️ , added an extra $25 to the EF, took care of my tithes

I’m awaiting on both the cell phone and CC10 invoices.

13 Responses to “Electric Bill Down!”

  1. Smallsteps Says:

    Congrats on the electric bill.
    It is often amazing to me how big a difference i see when for example my DH goes on a business trip, the use goes way down it all helps.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Good job!

  3. AnotherReader Says:

    Check your local utility company to see if they have "Kill-A-Watt" measuring devices to borrow to measure the actual consumption of various appliances when off. In some areas, the library has them. Your TV is probably a big user, and the computer as well. Anything that is on standby when not in use is using electricity.

  4. crazyliblady Says:

    I just noticed you paid off CC9. Was that recently? I think just days ago, the left side of the blog page said the balance was over $3,000.

  5. Amber Says:

    @CrazyLady, lol CC9 was paid off a while ago, I recently updated the side bar

  6. crazyliblady Says:

  7. crazyliblady Says:

    That's okay, amber. I thought maybe it was because of the recent hacking taking away some of our data. Anyway, here is your mini celebration of paying off another credit card.

    Text is via GIPHY and Link is
  8. crazyliblady Says:

    That's okay, amber. I thought maybe it was because of the recent hacking taking away some of our data. Anyway, here is your mini celebration of paying off another credit card.

    Text is and Link is

  9. crazyliblady Says:

    Sorry, I messed up submitting my comment, like twice. lol

  10. Lucky Robin Says:

    I didn't see you mention a microwave. Those carry a heavy phantom load, too. Or do you have a built in that can't be unplugged?

  11. Petunia 100 Says:

    Good job on reducing that electric bill.

  12. creditcardfree Says:

    I always remember Ima Saver saying she turned off her electric water heater with a switch except for the hour to two needed for warm showers. I know have an electric water heater with a switch. I'm at least going to turn it off when we are out of town. Not sure I can remember to get up and hour early to turn it on for my husband in the morning!

    Nice work! Have your temperatures outside cooled at all? Ours have finally dipped enough that the air doesn't need to run as much as it did in the summer.

  13. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    We really need to work on our usage. Our usage is WAY up this year. Since I started bringing it up to DH, it has gone down ... some.

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