Home > Numbers Looking Pretty Good

Numbers Looking Pretty Good

October 19th, 2019 at 05:49 pm

Balanced my cash envelopes, and I did pretty good. I came in under budget for the most part

Category Budgeted Left
Groceries $80 $30
Auto $80 $50
Personal $130 $0
Fun $30 $30
Household $30 $27

As previously reported in another post, things are looking great. The electric bill was reduced by almost $60, the water bill came in at $45.68, this is the same as last month but down by $20 over all.

I’m going to cancel Netflix, I realize I don’t use it and that’s $14 I can throw at debt.

Savings is up, I’m about $1200 away from meeting my short term EF goal of 3 months worth of expenses saved. I can’t wait to hit the six month mark, then I’ll feel comfortable and can start throwing even more at debt.

Lastly, I received a notice that my taxes for the town in that I live in, has dropped

2 Responses to “Numbers Looking Pretty Good”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Good job, Amber!

    That's great your taxes have dropped. Ours increased by almost $300. Ouch!

  2. Wink Says:

    You are doing great Amber! I wish my taxes would go down.

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