Home > Friday Nights Now = Budget Nights

Friday Nights Now = Budget Nights

October 25th, 2019 at 09:47 am

I absolutely hate interest. I paid over $500 this last billing cycle on CC10, only to be charged another $100+ in interest. All the more reason for me to get this credit card paid off.

It’s a process and I know I must be patient but I can’t wait for this sucker to be gone, so that I can start tackling my student loans. I’m thinking by April 2020, this card πŸ’³ should be paid off.

I’m no longer gazelle intense for a number of reasons, SO is no longer here so I don’t get the extra $800+ a month. I still add to my EF because I think it’s crazy to only have $1,000 saved, and lastly, time is not on my side, I’m late to the party πŸŽ‰ so I continue to add to my 401(k). Yes by doing these things, it slows the process, but at least I’m comfortable, and I haven’t stopped paying down debt and saving. What I’ve accomplished so far, I’m happy with. The ability to go to events, stores etc and not spend anything is a huge accomplishment for me.

I honestly think, if I continue to budget, live a frugal lifestyle, I’ll be done with all debt, including my house 🏑 in seven years.

I can’t wait to get home this evening, to balance my cash envelopes, and review my budget. Lol, who would have thought my Friday nights of hanging out with friends, buying new outfits to do so, and spending tons of money would have turned into review the budget nights? I absolutely love it and look forward to it.

8 Responses to “Friday Nights Now = Budget Nights”

  1. Smallsteps Says:

    You have made great progress once something becomes habit it is easier.
    It is satisfying to see how far you have come and even slow and steady makes progress. i have always paid a bit on all avenues instead of being gazelle intense at one at a time.
    I have bouts with impatience in this process but you seem so even about everything that is admirable.

  2. Wink Says:

    I like visuals to help keep me focused on those long term goals. When I was focusing on paying off my house I kept a chart on my fridge in colored markers that showed my new balance each month. When I had those days when I wanted to spend I would take a quick look at the chart and it immediately refocused me. You are doing great Amber! I tend to do my couponing on Friday or Saturday nights. So exciting but I like it!

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    I tend to look forward to budgeting days too! You have made great progress. I hope you know that just because you are now more frugal doesn't mean you can't be social. You can invite friends over to play card or board games, watch a show, or just hang out. Bring your own beverage/snack to share. Just a thought, I know you didn't say you missed the social time, so maybe my idea is for someone else who is reading and still struggling.

  4. crazyliblady Says:

    It is funny how age and the experience of doing things the wrong way can make us value the simplest of experiences like budgeting, making grocery lists, or paying bills. I find myself also enjoying finding extra money, doing more surveys, etc. just to be able to pay off more debt. I yearn to be free of the yoke of debt. Every time I have paid a debt, I did a little snoopy dance to celebrate the end effect of the hard work and sacrifices of not eating out and other things I used to do a lot.

  5. crazyliblady Says:

    I do agree with ccf, though. Social activity does not mean you have to go out and spend $100 on drinks and appetizers. Throw a party with something like pizza and wings and invite your friends to bring their own beer.

  6. Lucky Robin Says:

    Go see if you can find a zero interest credit card or two that you can transfer the balance to. Six or twelve months no interest can make a huge difference in how fast you can pay them off.

  7. Amber Says:

    Thanks everyone. I’ll look into the zero interest card

  8. MonkeyMama Says:

    I agree with the 0% transfer, for sure, but shop around carefully. So many cards are offering no fees on balance transfers right now.

    Text is and Link is
    I recall you mentioned having a fairly high credit score, so you should be eligible for some of these.

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