Home > Sunday Updates

Sunday Updates

October 27th, 2019 at 07:27 pm

I see that Vanguard is hosting a webinar that will discuss the difference between EFTs and mutual funds. Someone from a Facebook group posted, so I’m registered. I want to learn as much as I can about these two options.

I can’t believe that the year is almost up. I’ve started searching for a new planner for 2020. Planners are so expensive these days, but the right one definitely keeps me focused, productive and helps me to remember things. I use a planner for work mostly, I also use to track personal appointments and spending. This coming year I want to add my budget and word of the year.

Yesterday, I relaxed. I didn’t do a thing but ran to the store for a few hair care products.

As I’m typing out this blog, a friend called. He’s an accountant for small businesses, he has a client who is in need of a HR professional, so I offered my consulting services between $500-$800 a month. Pray fully this would work out. If I can get the extra cash, I’d throw all of it at my debt. Pray for me that this works out.

2 Responses to “Sunday Updates ”

  1. Dido Says:

    Planners: Check out the passion planner ($30-$35) and the panda planner ($25-$35). Not cheap but both have nice layouts. Also PlannerPads (~$32), which I used for a decade. If you're looking for really cheap, as in DIY, you can download a PDF of the passion planner layout and also see the Momentum planners at which has daily, weekly, and monthly layouts you can print. As you can tell, I'm a bit of a planner geek myself.

    Good luck with the consulting side gig!

  2. Dido Says:

    One more planner to check out:

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