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Sunday Updates

November 10th, 2019 at 05:40 pm

My ending EF balance December of 2018 was $8197.69 my goal is to not only get back to this balance but surpass it.

As you all know, I had the emergency legal fee of $5,000. I was so close to hitting the 6 month savings goal and then boom 💥. I am thankful that I had the money to pay 💰 the lawyer.

I checked the EF and my balance is $5,559.87, I’m estimating by the end of December 2019 my ending balance would be about $6900. 🤞🏾

There’s so many things I want, and to do but I realize, I need to stay focus. Focus on one thing at a time is a must. First thing is, I need to keep socking money into the EF, the goal is to have 6 months of living expenses, that’s 12k. Plus a little extra, for legal fees, until this issue with my brother is resolved. I’ve been laid off 3xs and thankfully I had money saved. Right now the average time to find a job is about 6-8 months.

I’m still throwing extra at the CC, about $300-$400 a month, hopefully by March/April this baby will be gone.

Next, I know my car will need to be replaced, she has 259,000 miles on her. I love that car (Camry) and I pray she hangs around at least two more years but at so many miles I don’t know. The goal is to have about $5,000 saved, so that I can buy a car cash.

Lastly, it’s the student loans and the mortgage. If all goes well, and I hit my EF savings goals by February, pay off CC10 by March/April, I can pay an extra $400-$500 a month on the student loans , an extra $100 a month on the mortgage, and bump my retirement contributions. That’s the plan.

In other news. SO has been extremely sick. I personally think he didn’t go to the doctor because he has no insurance or the money. He finally broke down and went to the hospital 🏥 yesterday. I told him, if what he was experiencing wasn’t life threatening, that they would stabilize him and send him home 🏡. And that’s exactly what happened. The ER doctor 👨🏽‍⚕️believes he has an ulcer. I told him that as well. The stress he’s experiencing is off the charts.

Any way they gave him two prescriptions and told him to follow up with a gastroenterologist. The prescription was $200, I offered to pay. It’s the helping others in me. He opted against it. I went online and found a prescription discount drug card, with the card, the prescription dropped to $29.

I’m praying for his sake, he gets his life together.

4 Responses to “Sunday Updates”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm so glad you found that prescription discount for him! That saved him as well as you. Stress can cause so many health issues.

    You have a great plan to get that EF back up and running! Keep the focus.

  2. Lots of Ideas Says:

    Amber, this is open enrollment time for ACA. If your SO is facing serious illness, he should look into signing up. And since it sounds like he is frequently not paid, his income may be low enough to qualify for subsidies.

    Of course, I think everyone should make health insurance a priority, but I know the cost plus deductibles is out of reach for too many. But it seems like he really needs to do this.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    I agree with you Lots of insurance is important because without it, so many wind up in such deep debt if they have a major illness.

    Glad you could save SO some money on the prescription. You are a kind person.

    Saving is always a good idea. Yesterday's Everyday Cheapskate column in the paper was about that...people who don't have savings and then when the fridge goes out, have to scramble and put stuff on credit cards to get a new one. I told DH I would like to make copies of the article and share with some of our friends, but it wouldn't make any sense to them. They already think they know everything about finance while complaining they are broke.

  4. Amber Says:

    @rob can you share the link to the article?

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