Home > Pissed!


March 18th, 2020 at 07:51 am

I ell these last few weeks have been extremely exhausting for me.

First my mom hit me for $1500 that I totally forgot about, significantly reducing my EF. I’d borrow the money from her about five years ago. I tried paying her back and she wouldn’t take the money. Honestly I forgot about it, well she asked for it. Was I annoyed? Absolutely but I owe it and I’m done with it. She was upset because I took my $100 she owed me, for paying her cable bill. Either way, we’re done. I’m trying to hold on to my EF in case I’m laid off.

Next, I’m in HR. What I’ve found is that these managers do not adhere to the recommendations that I make. They’ll go to my boss, the CEO, get her confuse and convince her to go with their recommendations, that normally benefits themselves and their favorites.

Well yesterday, I had a manager insist on laying staff off. I’d advise her against it. The controller and I had worked out a few kinks and created a plan that could keep staff, all would receive their pay, and keep medical expenses at least a month. I’d given her a few options. She said she would speak to her direct report and call me back. Well the next call I get is the CEO decided to shut down two facilities, 40+ employees. I ask, when will this be done she says it’s already done. Being pissed is an understatement.

Well after she did this, she realized that the plan to pay her high income earner friends was no longer. 1.5 to 2 hours later, she’s on the phone telling her director staff to return to work. This is so unprofessional and unacceptable, I can just scream. We can’t do this to staff, given these times.

When I finally spoke to my CEO, she liked my recommendations and was told she was never provided my recommendation.

5 Responses to “Pissed! ”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    OMG, that is just awful. In these times, to be so unfeeling and unprofessional is just criminal.

  2. LifeBalance Says:

    It's scary that your CEO is prone to panic and will make such knee-jerk reactions. Good for you for having the EF and putting focus on it now.

  3. Amber Says:

    So now the controller tells me they’re considering closing again. This is awful for staff.

  4. mumof2 Says:

    people are panicking...which sucks...what is sad is that most employees won't trust them again and won't give them any loyalty...glad you are done with paying your mom...borrowing from family is hard especially when they say they don't want it back...lesson learned...but keep on with the EF...I hope you do keep your job...these times are certainly crazy

  5. rob62521 Says:

    This is horrible. I think everyone is in panic mode. Glad you have some EF and are thinking calmly.

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