Home > Wrong Just Wrong

Wrong Just Wrong

March 30th, 2020 at 12:54 pm

I can’t understand why we are not cutting non-essential contractors before we lay off staff.

I’m really upset with this. We’re paying a cleaning crew six figures to clean, that doesn’t even show up, or when the do, don’t clean. This was way before COVID-19. Cleaning crew owned by board member, conflict of interest noπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ especially if their services is more costly and ineffective.

We’re paying someone to clean the buses that aren’t running, and we have bus drivers who do it anyway, well before COVID-19..

Wrong wrong wrong

3 Responses to “Wrong Just Wrong ”

  1. AnotherReader Says:

    What this behavior is telling you is that you want to find a new and better job once this crisis is over. In the interim, in your shoes, I would not share my frustrations publicly.

  2. Creditcardfree Says:

    Don't worry it will change. Things are moving fast. Of course aren't these two different kinds of contracts? Employee vs contractors? Public sanitation is essential so should not be the first thing cut, but it is senseless to clean something not being used.

  3. Amber Says:

    Things have been tough, and I’m frustrated. Honestly, I need my job; however I have morals. It’s insulting to make such decisions that are not only irresponsible to staff but the organization as well.

    It’s a grim reality

    Another Reader, once this is done, I’m definitely looking. The good thing is, there are a few of us who have engaged and share the same concerns, that protects us under the NLRB and whistleblower should we decide to move forward. I’m hoping something change after our meeting on Wednesday.

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