Home > Finally Realizing My Worth

Finally Realizing My Worth

April 13th, 2020 at 02:15 am

This pandemic has made me realize that I want to hit FIRE sooner than later. I was pretty much doing what I should, adding to my EF, saving for upcoming expenses, adding to my 401(k) and paying down debt. I’ve even cut expenses.

I realize my biggest obstacle is my income and fear. I’m worth so much more than I’m paid, I was always taught when you get a job you stay, take what’s offered don’t negotiate. But at 65k for the amount of work I do, and my accomplishments while on this job (implementing new processes that streamlined hiring, recouped the company over $100k, saved us 5% on health care premiums) for the size of the company I work for, it’s a joke. I’m under paid by $30k for my position, for my current role in the area I’m in.

I recently stepped out on faith and applied for one director’s position, $100k, and one VP position, $200k.
I refuse to take less than $100k a year, those days are over

I hold a masters, two certifications and over 10 years experience. I know my crap, people reach out to me all the time. I’m going to start charging for coaching. This pandemic made me realize, years of fear has allowed me to sell my self short.

6 Responses to “Finally Realizing My Worth ”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    Good for you, Amber. Best of luck to you with your job hunt.

  2. mumof2 Says:

    Good on you Amber hope you get either job...or an even better one...the workplace will realise how much you are worth when your gone...but stick to your know your worth so go get got this!!

  3. LifeBalance Says:

    Good luck to you!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Way to go, Amber! I'm sorry to say that dedication and loyalty are not a part of today's culture and you have to look out for yourself. Hope you get a fabulous new position that is both well paid and helps you stay excited about it.

  5. terri77 Says:

    Amber, I believe in you & I’m rooting for you!

  6. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Good luck and great perspective!

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