Home > Saving, Paying Debt and Working

Saving, Paying Debt and Working

April 28th, 2020 at 05:37 pm

Well this month was a busy/spendy grocery month. I’ll finalize my spending for the month on Saturday, but I’m sure it’s my grocery budget that took a hit.

I ended up having almost $600 extra in my checking account so I paid, $337 on CC10. The goal is to save until this pandemic is over, and I’ve been doing so, but it felt good to pay a little extra, not as much as I’d like, on this credit card.

Friday is pay day, I’m throwing, $1000 to the emergency fund, bringing the total to $7,000, $12000 will put me at 6 months of expenses save. Having the six months save will definitely take the stress out of life, particularly as we go through this COVID-19 mess.

Work news
Things have gotten a lot less stressful. Thank goodness.
I’ve been sitting in on a ton of webinars, just today alone, I’d attend four, earning four credit hours towards my recertification that isn’t due until 2022. The good news is I’ll earn my 60 credits by June.

3 Responses to “Saving, Paying Debt and Working ”

  1. Carol Says:

    It feels good to hear ( read) you sounding like yourself. Stay well!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Glad the stress is down! Good work on earning those credits!

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    You’re doing great with saving and CC repayment, and hopefully grocery spending is down next month to compensate. Glad work is less stressful

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