Home > Taxes Are Done!

Taxes Are Done!

July 3rd, 2020 at 02:00 am

Wrapped up my taxes, $538 refund. The new tax bill wasn’t good to me, it screwed up my deductions for the house but hey 🤷🏾‍♀️
Once I received the refund, I’ll pay $54 for tithes, $100 to the EF and the rest to student loans. I think I’m going to surpass my $1,000 student loan payment for July. Next week I should be able to drop another $500 on the loans, with the first check in July and extra cash being received. I am feeling so excited. I already paid $500 on the first.

I’m truly thankful, this is the first time in a very long time in that I’ve been happy, there were times when I thought I wouldn’t make it, and here I am.

I’m so thankful for God’s grace and getting me through some really rough times.

2 Responses to “Taxes Are Done! ”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    congrats...always great when things are going your way financially

  2. Lucky Robin Says:

    I can tell how excited you are. It is good that you've got some momentum going.

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