Home > Decluttering


July 26th, 2020 at 07:03 pm

Today my friend’s mom died. She fought a long fight with this virus, please practice social distancing and wear a mask.

After I got the news, I started decluttering, my house. I tackled the kitchen (lower cabinets )and then moved to my master bathroom. In doing so I found I have a leak. I’m so glad that I’ve been saving since I moved into the house for home repairs. I called my handyman who should be here next week.

7 Responses to “Decluttering ”

  1. KellyB Says:

    Sorry for the loss of your friends’ mom. I’ll continue to social distance/wear a mask as I don’t want this nasty disease!

  2. Wink Says:

    I'm so sorry Amber. Sending prayers for your friends family.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry about the loss of your friend's mom.

    Guess it was good you decided to declutter so you found the leak before it could do more damage.

  4. latestart Says:

    I am sorry about your friend's mom. Glad you found the leak.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I am so sorry about your friend's mom. I hope your friend finds comfort in memories.

  6. mumof2 Says:

    sorry for the loss of your friend...glad you found the leak

  7. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Sorry about the loss of your friend’s mom, thoughts are with you

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