Home > Checking in Sharing an Update

Checking in Sharing an Update

August 27th, 2021 at 11:47 pm


Whew it’s been awhile but I wanted to check in. 


As you all know, I quit my job, very toxic work environment. After I left most of my team quit.


Well I took a job about two weeks ago, my gut told me not to but fear had me to do it. Everyone was nice but the job itself I just couldn’t do. It was very antiquated and well below my skill set and I struggled. So I resigned. 


The very day I resigned, I landed a job paying $5000 a month as a consultant and the other consulting gig I had want me to clock 40 hours a week even if it means to watch videos at $2000 a week, so that’s $13,000 a month, gross. 


I also landed a content writing gig that pays me in gift cards for every article I write, $80 so I’ve written four so far. I choose Walmart because, I can not only buy groceries but other miscellaneous items as well without spending my own money. 


I’m so excited and thankful, that I thank God daily. This is the most money I’ve ever made and working less and less stress. 


Oops I also potentially have another gig paying about $50 an hour averting 20 hours a week to recruit. Waiting to hear back. 


I spoke with a friend who is an accountant to help me with setting up my business and that I can pay myself  via payroll, deducting my taxes and he will handle all my tax stuff, he’s doing this  for free. He is even giving me space in his office to use as my office for free. 

Oh and all gigs are remote 


God has truly blessed me and it that I’m thankful. 

9 Responses to “Checking in Sharing an Update ”

  1. Carol Says:

    Oh Amber, how nice to hear from you and with such fantastic news!

  2. Wink Says:

    Wow! Congratulations Amber that is wonderful news!

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Wow that’s such an amazing outcome! Congratulations, you go girl!

  4. Turtle Lover Says:

    what awesome news! God is good!

  5. Trying to get ahead Says:

    Amber,that is the best possible outcome ever! I am so happy for you and I hope the blessings keep on coming for you!

  6. Lots of Ideas Says:

    Amber, I am so happy for you! Your hard work is paying off!
    I think of you whenever I hear about school loan forgiveness - even if that doesn’t happen, I hope the interest forbearance helps you to make a big dent in that last albatross.

    I might be out of line saying this, but I am going to risk it.
    You have an incredibly generous heart, and some of the people in your life seem like they might take advantage of you.

    Please think about how you want this new income to be used, and set firm boundaries in your mind about how much β€˜help’ you will give others. A budget is as important in the abundant times as the lean times. Set your savings/retirement/debt payoff/four walls budget and stick to it. Then use what is left over for wants and gifts/donations.

    You will be working hard - take care of yourself!

  7. Amber Says:

    @Lots of Ideas thank you for your input. You’re concerns are definitely warranted and I’m paying attention.
    My goal is to set up a business account, and pay myself a bi-weekly paycheck, enough to pay taxes, add to my IRA, pay my debt (student loans) and my regular bills. I’m thinking of keeping my salary the same as it was when I worked full time. I’m going to work with my accountant. The good thing is that he’s providing services for free. I helped/motivated him to start his business, and hired him as an accountant at his first job. I think he feels obligated and I’ve told him he isn’t but he insists.
    I’m beyond thankful.

    To the rest of the SA gang, thanks for your continued support

  8. CB in the City Says:

    This is pretty amazing news; I'm so happy for you!

  9. Dido Says:

    It never rains but it pours! I'm glad things are going so well. Talk to your accountant about setting up a SEP IRA or individual 401(k)--you can put more money in one of those plans than you can in an IRA, and actually, while this year, you might come in under the IRA contribution limit, once your income hits $75,000 for the year, you will no longer be to deduct IRA contributions. (You can still make nondeductible IRA contributions, or Roth contributions up to $139k per year in income). With $13k a month in income, you'll want the additional ability to make pre-tax retirement savings capacity that a SEP IRA or individual 401(k) can give you.

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