I spent quite a bit getting my house in order and you know what? I don’t care.
I couldn’t figure out why I was depressed.
Why I wasn’t in any mood to do anything. Then I read a post/article, oh no it was a book about your space and how it could depress you.
Things in my home looked cluttered, messy, I felt unorganized, drained, exhausted for no reason.
Then I decided to hell with it, get this bedroom in order, then it was the linen closet, next my main walk-in closet then my bathroom and the guest bathroom.
I’ll admit my walk-in closet have me anxiety, I was afraid to even start but it took me only two hours, that I broke up, to complete. These last few days I’ve had more energy that I’ve had in a while. I even slept better.
The most rewarding feeling was being able to quickly find things that I need now in my bathroom and room. I feel liberated.
By doing all this purging, decluttering and trashing of goods, I realize that I spent way too much money on junk, in the past, most of this stuff was old.
I think I want to embrace the minimalist lifestyle. I no longer find the urge to have a 100 pair of jeans or a ton of shoes. It too much stuff. I have friends who turned spare bedrooms into closets, I can’t believe I even considered this.
While in target, hmm I think it was TJ Maxx, either way, I had the urge to buy this cute little dress. I immediately thought, if you buy this dress, which dress would you get rid of? I couldn’t think of any so I left it. I no longer what stuff.
Anyone here a minimalist?
July 24th, 2022 at 03:14 pm 1658672060
I am a minimalist. People project a lot of "organization" onto me. I don't know if that is fair. I don't really have much to organize. 😁 It does strike me as a little ironic because I probably have no organization skills re: stuff (is not a muscle I've had to flex). I just like to keep things as simple as possible. The point is more to not have so much stuff that you need to organize it. & I feel this way about both my stuff and my time.
& it's all relative. I am fully aware that we are Americans with way too much stuff. We are just more mindful than average. A lot of that is for financial reasons.
July 24th, 2022 at 04:54 pm 1658678063
July 24th, 2022 at 06:58 pm 1658685535
Good for you making the changes to make yourself content and happy.
July 25th, 2022 at 01:28 am 1658708895
I’ve noticed that people struggling financially sometime feel that they can never get the things in life they really want - to buy a house, travel, whatever. So instead they ‘treat’ themselves by buying things that they don’t really need to help feel better in the moment.
I helped clean out my aunt’s house, and there were thousands of dollars worth of cheap plastic toys my cousin bought for her son during the five years they had to live there. All I could think of was that the money could have gone in a college fund. But she rationalized that she couldn’t buy a house, but she could buy a $10 or 20 toy. He couldn’t have played with most of them for more than a day or two.
Anyway, you have moved to the next plane. You’ve bought your house, you’ve started traveling. Now you are assessing what you have, and what you need, and what you want. You’ve learned that delayed gratification means something better in the future than whatever you are holding in your hand at the store today.
This is when people think about building a ‘capsule wardrobe’ with classic, timeless, well fitting, flattering quality clothes that match their style. Purchases are planned out.
You’ll want the items in your home to reflect the serene, competent, caring person you are.
You’ll have the funds to do good things for others, and you’ll think about what it means to invest in people rather than just giving them stuff they think they need.
You’ll think about investing in yourself and for yourself.
Your journey is moving onto a wider path, You fought through the brambles and the road is rising to meet you.
You should be so very proud of yourself!
July 27th, 2022 at 02:40 pm 1658929239