Home > Jones’


May 5th, 2023 at 04:48 am

I was out for a work conference all all the ladies carried, Gucci, YSL, Fendi or Louis Vuitton handbags. I'll admit I felt ashamed, out of place. I hate feeling like this. 

I said a little prayer and asked God to take the need/want of having what others have away from me. It's hard. 

11 Responses to “Jones’ ”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    I totally get it. I see folks half my age driving newer cars than mine. However, I remind myself that for some of them, someone, like a parent, may have bought them that car. The other thing I remember is that some of those people are also up to their eyeballs in debt and you are getting out of debt. People, relationships, and experiences are more important than stuff. Just my $.02.

  2. Lots of Ideas Says:

    Did their fancy purses do a better job of holding their wallet, keys, eyeglasses, phone, kleenex, stray bandaids and dirty mints than yours that cost hundreds, maybe thousands less?

    Everyone has the right to spend the money they earn in ways that make them happy, but I could never see the point to carrying a bag with someone else’s initials on it. As long as my purse keeps all the crap I carry organized, I’m happy.

    I bought several purses from a nearby store that were made in Tibet. The fabric was soft and beautiful, and I paid about $40 for each over several years. They were my signature style.

    Find a bag (shoes, clothes, jewelry) that reflects your style and be proud of how you choose to spend your dollars.

    In no one’s obituary I have ever seen did it mention the bag designer they preferred…

  3. jp Says:

    just something else to think about: the truly wealthy don't flaunt the name brands. they buy quality and they have no need to show it off. Those flashing the Gucci, YSL, Fendi or Louis Vuitton aren't usually as well off as they are trying to portray.

  4. Wendy Goff Says:

    I feel sorry for the people who think that all those possessions give them a "worth". If you are secure in yourself, you don't need to put on a show.

  5. terri77 Says:

    If you really like those brands maybe look into purchasing at an outlet. I bought two Coach handbags several years ago at an outlet. They were already deeply discounted, but they were also on the clearance shelf. I never even looked at the non-clearance items. I think I paid maybe 80% of the retail cost, perhaps less. I must say that since putting a little more money into my purses they have lasted a lot longer. I can’t imagine spending Louis Vuitton money on a handbag, but a better quality purse has been worth it for me.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    What you need to do is look for a really unique bag that is far less expensive. My daughter has managed to find the most unique bags for under $100 and she always gets asked about them. People are fascinated by them and love them. One looked like an old school telephone, with the receiver being the handle, and it had this vibrant print, and it was soft lambskin, and it was one of the most beautiful bags I've seen. It even had the dial on it over the flap. Another time she got this really retro 60's bag with a pscyhedelic pattern all over it, in that shiny vinyl material that was so popular at the time. It was a hard wrist bag and had that top crossing clasp like the old coin purses your grandmother or great grandmother may have had. Another bag she had was a cross body bag that was made in one of the Latin American countries (I don't remember which one) and had a traditional print. It was woven wool and dyed in the most beautiful colors. It supported a small business run by five female weavers and their husbands who care for the sheep sustainably. Every single one of those bags has gotten more attention and admiring comments than anyone around us with the fancy brand name bags. Most of the people who own those bags are always complaining to us about how they have no money to do anything or go anywhere. So maybe search for those types of purses. You will look fun and eclectic, not like you are chasing after a boring name brand bag you can't afford that will be obsolete in a year or two when the next one comes out. I don't care if my bag stands out as long as I like it and it matches the majority of my clothes or doesn't clash with them and holds all of my stuff and hopefully a book.

    Shame is a useless emotion in this case. There is no shame in getting out of debt. Shame would come in if you bought the bag when you are still in this much debt. Get out of debt and if you still want that kind of bag, save up and buy one. I don't think it will give you as much pleasure as you think it will. The let down factor will come along pretty quickly and after years of scrimping you will feel like you wasted a lot of money just to keep up with people that by and large, you probably don't really care about that much.

  7. Carol B. Says:

    Today in the New York Times, there's an article about how you can't tell the knockoffs from the real designer bags. Personally, I prefer the lightweight, nylon bags from Baggalini or Sports Sac. They don't weigh my shoulder down.
    I think Lots of Ideas advice is good. Figure out what works for you, what you like and make that your style and forget about the rest!

  8. MonkeyMama Says:

    Ignorance is bliss.
    When I see people on TV talking about expensive handbags, I always think they look ugly. I just don't *get* it. There's a lot of things (e.g. cars, shoes) that just seem silly if you haven't been indoctrinated into the culture and marketing.

  9. Kym Fisher Says:

    I admit to liking/wanting nice things. I don't need nice things.

    My recent handbag is not fancy, it is not leather, but it is a name brand. It was
    probably $50-60.

    I have gotten a few compliments about it. More than I received with my "fancy" handbags.

  10. rob62521 Says:

    It's tough sometimes when you see these things, but recognizing it for what it is, conspicuous consumption, and realizing you have nice things is good. There's a woman at church that she has to make sure everyone knows she's a world traveler, that she has the finest of everything, and every conversation is about her. I think it shows she's very lonely and has to show off.

  11. livingalmostlarge Says:

    I support you! Everyone does here. And it's okay to feel shame, it's a normal feeling. I feel that sometimes driving the minivan. I hate having a minivan, but it's super utilitarian and practical. I'll drive it into the ground. But I too think it would be nice to have a slightly nicer car not a minivan. But life is hared to be impractical for me. If I had all the money in the world i'd buy a cute 2 seater car and a SUV. Oh well!

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