Home > Savings


July 14th, 2023 at 10:48 am

I crunched the numbers and I realized with every pay check I’m saving about 45% of my income.

Though most of the savings go towards future expenses (e.g. mortgage, HOA, Christmas fund, vacation fund) I’m still saving.

I remember when there was a time when saving wasn’t an option for me. 

Though I beat myself up regularly, I'm my worst critic, I need to remind myself of where I've come from. It's been a long short journey. It felt as though I'd never see the day where my debts were low and cash was saved, yet it feels like I just started this journey. 

4 Responses to “Savings ”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    You are doing great. why beat yourself up?

  2. Turtle Lover Says:

    It is awesome to hear your story as it goes .... ⭐⭐

  3. terri77 Says:

    That’s a great savings rate! I’m curious how much is towards retirement?

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Amber, you have so much in a short period of time. I know you may not think that is true, but you embraced change and making the sacrifices you needed to make to cut your spending and pay down your bills. Well done!

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