Home > Oops I Screwed Up

Oops I Screwed Up

August 2nd, 2023 at 01:55 am

I’m still crunching the numbers but I can say dining out was my second largest expense for July, first was home repairs. 

I’ve committed to eating out less this month. With the exception of visiting a friend who was diagnosed with an illness, and a planned vacation the end of the month, I do not plan on eating out. I’ll post the numbers early next week. 


I’ve screwed up badly, I have no idea where my mind is. First I write a check for the fence on the wrong account which bounced, costing me $25. Next I use my CC to pay for the fence since the check was written on the wrong account, then paid the CC bill from the wrong account, causing an overdraft 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄. I’ll call Bank of America to make sure I’m signed up for overdraft protection. I never signed up because I never overdraft. First time for everything. 


I’ve got to slow down. I don’t know why I always feel rushed. This behavior has cost me.


Physical news. My blood pressure is slightly elevated, the company I work for reimbursed me for walking pad (treadmill), and I’ve been working to get this thing down. I’ve been exercising daily; however, I need to change my eating habits. 


1 Responses to “Oops I Screwed Up ”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Eating habits can be the culprit with high blood pressure. When the shutdown occurred in 2020 and I sometimes had difficulty finding canned goods, I sometimes had to buy alternative brands. Then, my husband's blood pressure was up and we could not figure out why it was up all of a sudden. The doctor advised him that it could be his food, so I started looking a labels. Oh, wow. For example, the exact same size can of tomato sauce can be either 10mg per serving (generic store brand) to 380mg per serving (well known national brand). Another source can be MSG.

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