Home > Student Loans, Story of My Life

Student Loans, Story of My Life

August 4th, 2023 at 04:04 am

One of my goals for 2023 was to knock out 1/3 of my student loans. I am way benhind on this goal, I've paid just over $2,000. This really ticks me off. I've had so many expenses come up, I can only think that had I not had these this thing would be gone. 

Nothing like crunching the numbers for a reality check. Starting September I'll throw about $1000 a month to it, that's about $4,000 by the end of year. I'm estimating that it will take me two years to pay this thing off. 

Fingers crossed 

2 Responses to “Student Loans, Story of My Life ”

  1. Turtle Lover Says:

    You have come a long way ... but I feel ya ... sometimes life gets in the way. Just keep chugging along .... I'm looking forward to the day you say it's all paid and I know it will happen!

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    You have come a long way, but life sometimes gets in the way. So, no worries. You will accomplish this, and maybe before your goal date. You got this! Big Grin

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