Home > Line Dry

Line Dry

August 16th, 2023 at 06:40 pm

Anyone else here line dry their clothes? I was doing this and stopped, but decided to get back at it. I'm not sure how much I  would be saving on my electric bill by doing this though. 

I hung my clothes out to dry and they dried in about a hour. It probably was shorter than that, I was on a work call and forgot about them. 

For those of you who line dry your clothes, is it worth it? And how do you get the outdoor smell out of your clothes ? 

6 Responses to “Line Dry ”

  1. Lots of ideas Says:

    I live in a city apartment with no outdoor space so I mostly dryer my clothes. I do hang some things on hangers in the bathroom - anything with a lot os spandex or beading. And I dry my sweaters on the floor on a towel. We have a coin operated washer and dryer shared by four people. I don’t think hanging stuff saves me money except making the clothes last longer because I still have 2 loads to wash/dry every other week regardless.

    We did not have a dryer for most of my growing up. We used two variations of a clothesline outdoors - the whirl around one, and one that used a pulley between the back deck and a tree.
    In the winter, we had lines in the basement, a drying rack, and hanging things n the bathroom.
    Occasionally we would take a few wet loads to the laundromat in rainy weather.

    Hanging clothes is good exercise because of the bending and stretching. There also were some fast runs to the line when sounds of thunder rolled in!

    We lived in a rural area, and the outside smell of the clothes was a feature. My mother (and eventually I) ironed sheets and pillowcases and she used β€˜Magic Sizing’ to make that easier. My mother watched As the World Turns and ironed every weekday afternoon. The ironing board was only put away if we had company and the ironing basket was never empty.

    Any electricity we saved with no dryer probably got eaten up with ironing!

  2. Carol B. Says:

    I thought outdoor smell was part of The attraction of hanging clothes out to dry!

  3. Amber Says:

    @Carol B, lol not for me.

    @Lots of Ideas I actually had to run out today, it poured s

  4. CB in the City Says:

    My mom liked to hang laundry outdoors, but we lived in a rural area. I am in the city, with no place to hang laundry, so it's the dryer for me!

  5. mumof2 Says:

    I live in australia do it whenever we can we save heaps of money but the clothes just feel's winter here...can't wait till we can hang it out again

  6. rob62521 Says:

    Not sure if you have the room inside, but if you do, you might invest in a dryer rack. I can't line dry stuff outside due to allergies.

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