Home > Student Loan Payment

Student Loan Payment

September 6th, 2023 at 02:44 am

I'm participating in a savings challenge, rather than saving the money I'm throwing it at my student loan, $41 was paid towards my loans today. 

It's just a little over the anticipated weekly interest incurred. November is my first official payment, I honestly thought it was October, either way I'll keep chipping away at it. 


2 Responses to “Student Loan Payment ”

  1. Suemn Says:

    Hi Amber, I think that's a great idea. I'm cheering you on!

  2. Brunette Says:

    Yes, that's awesome! I used to read a blog and every once in a while, he would add a last line on his post that said "go pay $5 on your credit card, right now" and I always tried to do that. I could usually come up with $5 extra dollars and I truly believe every action you take towards financial wellness is a step in the right direction! Congrats on extra money towards your student loans!

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