Today’s student loan balance is $31,941.17 of that $84.17 is interest.
I paid $500.17 today, therefore $84.17 should go towards the interest leaving a balance of $415.83 to be applied to the principal.
With the payment made today the balance should be $31,441.00. Given that it takes 2-3 days to post any payments, I’m thinking by Monday my actual balance should be about $31,459, this includes the $6 a day accrual of interest. SMH
Next pay date is October 13th, I’ll only be able to add about $200 to the student loan. That’s about 13 days, at $6 a day the interest would be about $178. So just over $100 will go towards the principal. SMH.
I’m going to keep chipping away that this.
I also paid an extra $25 on the Home Depot card. The interest is set to zero until 2024.
September 29th, 2023 at 06:28 pm 1696008526
Any payment you make above the interest is progress! Just being able to keep up with the interest is awesome! Good luck and I said a little prayer for you about your work situation!
September 29th, 2023 at 09:43 pm 1696020232