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Quick Update

October 21st, 2023 at 05:55 pm

As you all know I had the new car itch, it comes and goes. 


A family member recently bought a new car, a Lexus, and I’ll admit I was a tad bit envious, and even considered a new car as well. Long story short, i didn’t buy a new car, and got the sense that this person wasn’t happy with the purchase, they’d make little remarks. Well, finally yesterday the person mentioned that it was the worst thing they could have done. 


I said to this person, that I felt like they weren’t happy with the purchase. $600 a month car note, and I’m not even sure how much the car insurance is. Wow, crazy. 


I’m thankful that when I get the urge, I manage to talk myself out of it. 


Regarding  the student loan, it appears as though the interest corrected itself(?) today, either way I’m glad it’s the $5.80 vs the $11+ a day amount. Can’t wait for pay day so I can make another payment. I’m estimating the interest will be about $98 when the payment is made. 


Other news I’m turning 50 next year, I’m planning a nice dinner with a few close friends. It’s been a significant year for me, so much has happened in my life. There was a time that I attempted suicide, twice, but now the thought doesn’t even cross my mind. 


Do I get down sometimes, and still make bad financial decisions, yes. I just pick myself up by the bootstrap and keep going. It’s only by the grace of God, that I’m still here. 

Lastly I'm just sitting on my porch enjoying the R&B 90s music station and this beautiful south Florida weather




4 Responses to “Quick Update ”

  1. Lots of Ideas Says:

    I’m glad your interest issue fixed itself.

    My guess is that there is some tinkering with the software to support new rules, and changes in one place mess up stuff in unexpected ways.

    The best part is the close eye you are keeping on everything. It’s when we don’t pay attention that stuff happens that becomes a bigger mess!

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    I know that new car itch...I've been interested in the new Toyota Crossover hybrid SUV. But I only have 100K miles on my 2013 Honda Civic, so it's hard to justify a new vehicle purchase even if it has been 10 years. Frown
    Happy 50th birthday; that's a big one. I'm glad you are here to celebrate that milestone with your friends and enjoying the Florida sunshine. Hugs.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Glad the interest is fixed.

    Also glad you didn't succumb to the new car itch. Sad your family member did and is now remorseful.

    Happy 50th birthday; hope you have a blast celebrating!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Oh, I'm glad the interest got sorted. Disregard the comment I just left on your last post. Still good advice, but now unnecessary.

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