Home > Decisions


December 7th, 2023 at 02:50 am

In the midst of financial activity, my AC set me back $250, and grout cleaning estimates ranged from $330 to $680. Opting for a DIY approach, I spent $21 on cleaner and a brush. It's time-consuming but rewarding.


On a positive note, I got a 2.55% raise. While grateful, I'm torn—should I boost my lagging 401(k) or tackle my student loan with the increase?

5 Responses to “Decisions”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'd put it all to student loans. You have got to get that thing off your neck. Did you qualify for any of the forgiveness this time? Once the student loan is gone, you can work on maxing out your 401K and maxing out an IRA and after age 50 work on catch up amounts, too. But until then, throw it all at the student loan.

  2. Lots of ideas Says:

    Work on the 401k.
    You only get to contribute so much per year.
    Put it in pre tax and get tha benefit.
    You are on track with your loan payoff and you’ll find money to keep that going.

  3. terri77 Says:

    I’ll be honest, I never pay attention to the condition of people’s grouts, though people talk about how much work they put into cleaning them. I may be the only one, though.

  4. terri77 Says:

    I’ll be honest, I never pay attention to the condition of people’s grouts, though people talk about how much work they put into cleaning them. I may be the only one, though.

    Congrats on the pay raise! I think I would focus on debt pay off with the added funds.

  5. PatientSaver Says:

    Does your employer match your 401k contributions? If so, I would put your raise money there. Are your student loans public or private? If private, I would definitely apply your raise there. Alternatively, you could split your raise and allocate both places.

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