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September 30th, 2024 at 09:14 am

Holiday Party Drama

For the past decade, I've been the primary host of our annual holiday party. While my ex and I have shared hosting duties, I've always borne the brunt of the financial burden. I've covered food, prizes, and other expenses, while he's contributed minimally. 


This year, I've finally had enough. I've made it clear that he needs to foot the bill if he wants to continue the tradition. Unsurprisingly, he's remained silent.


I’ve shared with friends that they’ll be no party, maybe next year but this year I have things to do. 



Student Loan Struggle

My student loan debt continues to be a heavy burden. Despite making significant payments, the interest rate has made it difficult to make substantial progress. I've had to reduce my monthly payments to save for a new car and roof.


Car and Roof Concerns

My aging car, with over 290,000 miles, is nearing the end of its lifespan, it's a Toyota. Given the exorbitant prices of new and used cars, I've been saving diligently. The goal is to buy used cash. 


The recent hurricanes in Florida have also caused insurance companies to force homeowners to replace my roofs. I've set aside some funds for this project, which right now will cost about $14,000. Smh. 


Work Progress

While my current job still isn't my dream career, I've grown more comfortable in my role over the past two years. It offers a decent salary and benefits, which is a positive.


That’s it this far. 

4 Responses to “Hi ”

  1. Dido Says:

    Good to see you; it's been a while. I'm glad the job is at least comfortable, and sorry about the financial hurdles. Good for you for holding firm on the holiday party.

    Your side bar numbers don't show recent balances, but, just as with the other loans you've already paid off, you'll get there. Just one step at a time! Your progress in just over 5 years from significant negative net worth to positive is an achievement that shows you can do it.

  2. Tabs Says:

    Your ex should learn to pay half. Regardless of the relationship, or even absent of one, people should still learn to share responsibilities equally. So, I don't blame you for not hosting another party.

    Just a warning, but car salespeople hate it when customers walk in and say they will pay cash. Seriously, they will treat you like you're degenerate trash. The only exception I've experienced so far is something like CarMax, where the advertised upside is there is "no haggling". However, what they don't tell you is that they will haggle over literally everything else, so please be aware of that. Still though, CarMax isn't terrible compared to traditional car lots.

    That Toyota has lasted a lot of miles, even for a Toyota! Anyway, please take care out there.

  3. rob62521 Says:

    I understand not wanting to host the party between the expense and the work and doing it move on your part.

    Glad for the update. Keep plugging along on those school loans. You have done so much in a short time with your bills.

  4. terri77 Says:

    I would not host a holiday party with my ex. Host your own party if you can afford to.

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