Home > Student Loans - I See the Light

Student Loans - I See the Light

November 3rd, 2024 at 07:28 am

When I started my debt repayment journey, again 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️, my biggest hurdle was my student loans.

I paid off student loans one and two during the pandemic, and consolidated three and four. Honestly, I couldn't see the light then,actually until now, I just couldn't imagine paying these loans off. 

After paying a $200 payment and seeing it finally hit my account three days later, yep three days it took while incurring $4.71 a day in interest, it finally hit me that I may get this thing paid off. 

My new balance is $25,024.24. I probably could have had this thing paid off sooner; however, I needed breaks. Mentally it's draining and depressing.

I've been saving for a car because my current car is 22 years old with almost 300k miles, I've also taken a few trips. Could I have forgone without the trips? Yes. Did my mental state require a break?  Yes, therefore I took a trip. 

Though I've come a long way, I still have a way to go. I'm just thankful that I realize, it is doable. 

5 Responses to “Student Loans - I See the Light”

  1. Tabs Says:

    Hey congrats on the baby steps! To me, the biggest step is just trying to get from hopeless to less-than-hopeless, and I am glad you are getting there.

  2. Turtle Lover Says:

    "balance" .... that's what I try to keep in mind. Yes paying off debt is good ... but you can't be all that strict! You're doing great! You are very mindful of your debt ... it will be gone some day and you'll be so happy and then I can't wait to hear about it!

  3. Lots of Ideas Says:

    I always knew you could do this!

  4. anonymous Says:

    Congratulations! That's awesome! I think you will definitely pay it off at the rate you are going. Don't get discouraged! You can do it!

    As far as the competition between the student loan and other priorities, like you saving for a car, I have that issue also. I personally make allowances for both in my budget to make sure both needs are accounted for. In your case, you don't want to have a paid off student loan and a car that is no longer in working condition.

  5. rob62521 Says:

    That's wonderful! You have come a long, long way!

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