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What’s going on this week?

November 15th, 2024 at 11:41 am

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week. 


I received an unexpected bonus so I was able to throw a little extra at my student loan, once the payment hit, I would be below $25k owed and meeting my goal of paying at least $5k this year towards it. This interest is killing me though. 


I also paid an extra $60 towards my mortgage. I know Dave says not to do this, but it makes me feel good and keeps me motivated. 


Lastly I paid another $500 on the travel card. The interest is set to start in February, the goal is to have it paid off before then. 


I would have been able to pay a little more; however, I have to travel for a funeral of a good friend. 

5 Responses to “What’s going on this week? ”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    I would throw your $60 to your student loan.

  2. crazyliblady Says:

    You are doing great! Big Grin I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Please accept my condolences.

  3. Tabs Says:

    Who is Dave? Dave Ramsey, or a different, personal Dave? If it's Dave Ramsey, I thought he would love the idea of paying the mortgage off as soon as possible?

    Anyways, it's always nice to have a little extra to pay stuff down, so congrats!

  4. Amber Says:

    @Tabs yes it’s Dave Ramsey, his philosophy is not to tackle the mortgage until all other debt is gone.

  5. Dido Says:

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend.

    What's the interest rate on your mortgage and how does that compare to the rate on your student debt? If the interest rate on the student loan is more, I would throw more money there rather than at the mortgage.

    If you feel you have to pay more towards the mortgage, you can pay a little less and just round to the nearest $10. That's what I do now. I used to add an extra payment each month to round the balance due on the mortgage down to the nearest $100. But in 2022 when interest rates spiked, I started rounding the mortgage payment down to the nearest $10 rather than $100. I still get the psychological satisfaction of paying the balance down faster and I can always tell you to the nearest penny how much I owe on the house, but I'm putting more money towards my non-mortgage debt, which currently tops out at a rate of 7.98%, so that makes more economic sense.

    Congrats on the bonus and happy Thanksgiving!

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